Tafsîr Bismillâh-i al-Rahmân al-Rahîm

Ahmad Yasin bin Asymuni al-Jaruni, Tafsîr Bismillâh-i al-Rahmân al-Rahîm, 65 pages, published and interpreted to pesantren version by al-Ma’had al-Islami as-Salafi Hidayatuth Thullab of Petuk Islamic Boarding School (Pondok Pesantren Petuk), Semen Sub-district, Kediri District, no year of publication; obtained from Pondok Pesantren Petuk. [Koran Interpretation]

This book explains the interpretation of Basmalah. Basmalah is so important because some scholars believe that all previous divine scriptures sent by God to His messengers (the Torah, the Psalms, and the Bible) was summarized and recorded in the Koran. Surely what is recorded is the universal values and the values of monotheism (tauhid) which confirms the existence and oneness of God—eventhough there are different ways and patterns in the aspect of worship and servitude to God, the one purpose is to worship and serve God.

While the Koran is summarized in Surat al-Fâtihah, surat al-Fâtihah is summarized in the Basmalah. And the Basmalah is summarized in one dot over the letter “Ba” located in the very beginning of the word Basmalah. The Basmallah is so significant that all Muslims’ activities should be started with the word. The author does not only interpret Basmalah only in itself (literally), but also discuss a number of issues related to the Basmalah, different ways of pronouncing it, and disclosing its privileges. [Mukti Ali el-Qum]

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