Entries by rumahkitab

Strengthening Religious Narratives in Support of Women’s Right to Work

On Thursday, 6 August 2020, Rumah KitaB, with support from Investing in Women (IW), an initiative of the Australian Government, held an online workshop with the theme “Gender, Islam, and Economic Empowerment of Women.” The purpose of the workshop was to inform foundational research for and the design of IW-backed campaigns for influencing gender norms […]

Research Monograph on Child Marriage Series 6: In Shackles of Tradition and Disguised Relationship: A Case Study of Child Marriage in Banten (Monografi Penelitian Perkawinan Anak Seri 6: Dalam Belenggu Tradisi dan Kerja Relasi Tersamar: Studi Kasus Kawin Anak di Banten)

Judul Dalam Belenggu Tradisi dan Kerja Relasi Tersamar: Studi Kasus Kawin Anak di Banten Penulis Mukti Ali Editor Lies Marcoes Penerbit Yayasan Rumah Kita Bersama Tahun 2016  

Child marriage surges amid Covid-19 and growing conservatism

Indonesia is experiencing a surge in child marriages. By June, 24,000 applications for permission to marry underage had been lodged with district and religious courts this year – more than two and a half times the total number for the whole of 2012.   This escalation goes against significant recent improvements in the legal framework, policies and […]

After 36 years, who still remembers CEDAW?

Lies Marcoes Director of Rumah Kita Bersama Foundation The day before the commemoration of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), which falls July 24, I exchanged greetings via WhatsApp with Ibu Saparinah Sadli and Nursyahbani Katjasungkana, two prominent figures in the implementation of this convention. I asked them which of […]