Entries by rumahkitab

Rumah KitaB Held A Discussion and Film Screening at PBNU

BEKASI [SuaraBekasiRaya.Com] – Rumah Kita Bersama Foundation (Rumah KitaB) an institution of Islamic studies located in Bekasi and supervised by the Deputy Secretary General of the NU, K.H. Affandi Mochtar. On Thursday, June 20, 2013, Rumah KitaB held a book launching, discussion and screening of short films at NU Building, Lt. 8 Jl. Kramat Raya […]

Rumah KitaB Conducted Studies on Family Planning

Rumah Kita Bersama or better known as Rumah KitaB is a non-profit organization that works to strengthen and empower boarding schools in the development of Islamic thinking, education, and tradition. Initiated in 2005 by Dr. H. Affandi Mochtar, but formally established in 2010, Rumah KitaB is currently led by Lies Marcoes-Natsir and has 8 permanent […]