Religion, The Factor in the Declining Participation of Family Planning

JAKARTA, SATUHARAPAN.COM – So far, no other research institutions associated the downward trend of Family Planning (KB) participation with certain religious views. Lanny Octavia, a researcher in Rumah Kita Bersama (Rumah KitaB) conveyed this statement on the results of various assumptions rejecting Family Planning (KB) at the book launch in the Board of Nadhatul Ulama (NU) in Jakarta on Thursday (20/6), conveyed this.

It was suspected that previous low KB participation occurred in rural areas was due to the limitations of contraception, but in urban areas with high availability of contraceptives also does not guarantee high participation rates. This made Rumah KitaB linked this phenomenon with the strong religious currents in Islam.

This research on KB program was conducted due to the declining trend of KB participation.

“We associate this with the program’s strategic oversight in the New Order era. Back then, KB was implemented coercively and involves only in Muslims circle as NU and Muhammadiyah. The non-mainstream Islamic groups felt marginalized and did not have a chance to voice their views, “he said.

This study was mapped starting from the demographic profile of the six areas chosen, namely: Jakarta, Bogor, Cirebon, Yogyakarta, Solo, and Malang.

In the six areas studied, all the population was increased; most KB acceptors are not permanent. There was very low demand for vasectomy and tubal ligation. Maternal and infant mortality rate is very relative.


To examine the strength of the religious currents, a mapping is done for all the groups interviewed. From mainstream groups such as NU, Muhammadiyah, and the MUI, to local fundamentalists such as Indonesian Islamic Propagation Institute (LDII), Council of Intellectual & Young Ulemas Indonesia (MIUMI), Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia – The Indonesian Mujahidin Council (MMI). Transitional groups under the influence of Islamic movements such as Hizb ut-Tahrir, a tarbiyah group like the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and salafi, were also interviewed.

“In addition to the issue of family planning, we dig their theological views about family. On average they accept early marriage, polygamy, and marriage based on Sharia law. Because they are considered more dignified than adulteries, sex with prostitutes, or free sex of all kinds.”

There are pros and cons related to family planning as a tool of regulating birth. In gender relations, women in average are not entitled to make decisions about the number of children. Women are not entitled to her own body.

The theological factors derived from the Koran and Hadith are interpreted not in support of family planning (KB). KB is regarded as Western conspiracy against Islam. In fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), the use of contraceptives was considered as open genitalia, disadvantages, and exposing nakedness, and is considered unclean.

The results of the study will be used as the basis of organizing material and advocacy campaigns for women’s reproductive rights.

Editor : Wiwin Wirwidya Hendra


Zumrotin K. Susilo: Inconsistencies of Anti-KB Groups

JAKARTA, SATUHARAPAN.COM – Various rejection assumptions rejection of Family Planning (KB) which were discussed in three books published by Rumah KitaB irritates one woman activist, Zumrotin K. Susilo. The response was delivered at the launch of the three books published by Rumah KitaB at the Board of Nadhatul Ulama (NU) building in Jakarta, on Thursday (20/6).

“Another reason to produce more people to fight infidels, to create an army to defend God. Does God need defending? Does it not mean you are belittling God’s almightiness? They are twisting the fact. Not consistent. They think that God is great, but He still needs and army to defend Him? They say they don’t agree if childbirth is limited, but they say they agree with KB plans. I think there is a thin line between to limit and to plan,” said Zumrotin.

According to the Holy Koran, the distance of every child born should be three years apart. Breastfeeding for two years, and get pregnant again after three years. An inconsistency occurs when someone is speaking with reference to the Koran but having children and ignores the 3 years distance suggested by the Holy Koran.

Let us say there is a political party saying that the rich may have many children, but the poor should not. It is also added that having many children means having a lot of future cadres. To this statement, Zumrotin K. Susilo responded, “Wanting to win elections by disregarding family planning? What if the children choose other parties when they grow up? There is a contradiction between their views and the fact.”

“Even more surprising, they say they practice polygamy because they care for their wives. In order not to bother his wife, he must have another three wives? This is crazy, right? Does he think his first wife is not hurt by his decision? Because he feels bad and sorry for his wife’s condition (illness, etc.), he needs to marry other women? ”

The reason someone is practicing polygamy is because his wife had a baby, or tired, and that is why he is in need of another wife as an expression of affection and a symbol of his understanding to his first wife who had a baby.

“This book, if read by a person who has logical thinking might have caused them to laugh. But this book would be dangerous if read by those who have no logic.” said Zumrotin K. Susilo who had served as Vice Chairman of the Human Rights Commission.

Rumah KitaB Held A Discussion and Film Screening at PBNU

BEKASI [SuaraBekasiRaya.Com] – Rumah Kita Bersama Foundation (Rumah KitaB) an institution of Islamic studies located in Bekasi and supervised by the Deputy Secretary General of the NU, K.H. Affandi Mochtar. On Thursday, June 20, 2013, Rumah KitaB held a book launching, discussion and screening of short films at NU Building, Lt. 8 Jl. Kramat Raya No. 164, Central Jakarta from 13.00 – 16.00. Lies Marcoes-Natsir, the Director of the Rumah KitaB Foundation explained to the press that the agenda of the event were: Preface and Book Launch by Dr. David Hulse, followed by a Short Film Screening. Kartono Mohammad, Zumrotin Susilo, and Abdul Moqsith Ghazali delivered the presentations, while Lies Marcoes-Natsir moderated the discussion.

Lies Marcoes-Natsir explained that these books launched by the Rumah KitaB Foundation are results of the research on “Islam and Women’s Reproductive Rights” conducted by the Rumah KitaB Foundation researchers, such as, Mapping Views and Attitudes on Family Planning (KB)’ in 6 cities: Jakarta, Bogor, Cirebon, Yogyakarta, Solo, and Malang. This study mapped the Islamic group arguments, both pro and cons to the family planning program.

The findings of the court showed that some of the Muslims are against KB based on arguments from various sides: theology, ideology, social, political, and economic. This fact is important to be known by the observers of population, reproductive health activists, religious leaders, academics, women activists, the media and so on.

Based on this study, Rumah KitaB published three books, each of which is entitled: ‘Maping the Religious Views on Family Planning (KB)’, ‘Three Basic KB Rejection among Islam Fundamentalists, ‘Who Said KB is Forbidden? Rejecting the View of Islamic Fundamentalist on the Prohibition of Family Planning ‘.

“We greatly appreciate the willingness of fellow journalists to come in response to Rumah KitaB Foundation’s invitation,” said Ustadz Mukti Ali, one of the foundation’s researchers via cell phone to the SuaraBekasiRaya.Com on Wednesday (19/6) evening. [Tigto]